Thursday, March 6, 2008

Absolutely Beside Myself

I have a list on my personal photoblog, A Thousand Words, entitled "People I Heart". It is a list of photographers that I admire. One of the artists listed there is a woman named Skye Hardwick. Her site is ironically titled, Work of Heart Photography. I LOVE LOVE LOVE her work!

Through a series of websurfing destinations, I ended up on her workshop blog, Soulographer. Skye is famous throughout the country for her children's photography and I thought, "How amazing to learn from her". So I'm trolling around and sure enough, she's heading to Austin this month. Sadly though, it's long been sold out. Feeling frisky, loaded with coffee and on a whim, I emailed her. Are there spots. Is there a waitlist. I'd sell a child to attend and have the opportunity to work with you. What are the chances right? Her workshops are kept to 25 photographers to ensure one on one. Austin is the only stop in Texas and this is her LAST year to do workshops! Photogs from all over would want to attend. Not sure what I was expecting since I couldn't possibly afford to attend, but within a few hours I received an email back from the rock star herself! There Was a sudden spot open but I had to pay within 24 hours to secure it!! She just hadn't posted of it on her blog yet. What timing!!! Fate I tell you.

The workshop includes not only the chance to watch her work and learn what she has learned in running a business, but also includes an amazing list of door prizes, access to her private mentoring message board, all her business forms, a CD of her workflow and more! I'm speechless, truly.

So now, the mother to only one, I look forward to AMAZING chance to work with Skye.