Sunday, March 2, 2008

A little brag if I may?!?

I am a member of a local group, the Austin Photography Group. They recently started a monthly photo contest where the 450+ members can submit a favorite photo for the members to vote. Grant it, the first month there were only 28 submissions and who knows how many votes, but ultimately, my submission won. I was so excited. There was no prize. No publicity. But people out there appreciated my work and I couldn't be more thrilled. The announcement:


January's Photo of the Month Contest:
Alright everyone, the results for the January Photo of the Month competition are in!

Tying for third place:
Congress Sunset - Jeff Langloss
Sleeping Beauty - Alex Whitman

In second place:
Don't Do It - Adrian

And, tying for first place:
Extreme Photography - Peter Tsai
L E A N - Mollie

There can be only one Photo of the Month, and this month we have a tie. This means that we'll be having a run-off for the first 5 days of February to see whether Peter's or Mollie's photo wins the coveted title. So send your vote now via email regarding which photo you think should win for the month of January!


The run-off results for the Photo of the Month competition are as follows:

L E A N by Mollie wins

Congratulations to Mollie for winning the very first Photo of the Month held by the Austin Photography Group!


More exciting to me that winning one?
Winning two ;)


February's Photo of the Month Contest:

Well, the votes have been counted. Once again there was a great cross-section of photography represented and the votes were very close. Thanks to everyone for participating. So heres the results:

Coming in 3rd:
White Rose by Charles

We had a tie for second:
Antigua Street by Dave
Congress Ave. Bridge by Ron

Coming in first...:
Reminders by Mollie
Congratulations to Mollie, this is her second month in a row to win.

Just a little toot of my own horn. It is so nice to have that validation from your peers!!
